The kick-off meeting of the BridgET project was held in Milan from the 29th to the 30th of March, 2022. It was carried out both in presence and online, and proposed a packed agenda. It started with the presentation of all partner’s research and teaching experiences dealing with project topics, and was also attended by students from the University of Milano-Bicocca.
All partners intensely worked reviewing all project goals, the GANNT table, and the available budget to efficiently plan all project activities accordingly. Substantial time was dedicated to the definition of school contents and all Learning/Teaching/Training activities proposed for the first summer school (Santorini Summer School). A quite long discussion was also addressed to define student selection criteria that were then agreed upon by all partners, in order to meet all EDI principles and design a transparent process.
This was the first time that all the partnership representatives met, and we were very happy with the wealth of ideas and strategies proposed to renew teaching methods and to better transfer knowledge.

The second transnational project meeting was held in Kiel from the 1st to the 2nd of March, 2023. It was carried out both in presence and online, benefiting from the extraordinary hospitality of Kiel University, GEOMAR, and Ortodrone.
The partnership was particularly looking forward to this meeting to debrief on the progress made during the first year of the project with regard to the results we expect to produce, but also to define the activities of the second BridgET summer school to be held on Mount Etna.
After one year of quite intense activities, we were also ready to benefit from the experience of the Kiel University team in providing video and media contents for dissemination and outreach. Critical material was collected for the preparation of the first video resuming BridgET topic and all the work done (click here to see the video on our YouTube Channel!)