The University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) is characterized by an intellectual environment where independent research and teaching can be pursued. Eight departments of UNIMIB have obtained the national award “department of excellence”, among which the Deptartment of Earth and Environmental Sciences (DISAT), which pursues a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the environment and climate changes. DISAT is involved in several national and international projects, funded by private and public bodies.
The research group involved in this project has expertise in geological/geomorphological characterization and mapping in both the submarine environment and volcanic areas, for environmental and geomorphological risk management. To transform the learning experience, an innovative immersive learning laboratory (GeoVires – Virtual reality for Earth Sciences) was recently established by the research team, to enable teaching activities using immersive content.

Alessandra Savini
Professor. Her areas of interest are: submarine geomorphology and research methods for seafloor imaging and mapping, including integration and analysis of multisource and multiscale geospatial dataset;quantitative analysis techniques for detection and characterization of submarine landforms and associated benthic habitats, offshore geo-hazards, and marine anthropogenic impacts; development of more inclusive teaching practices to renovate student involvement in marine geosciences.

Alessandro Tibaldi
Professor. His research interests concern studies of volcanotectonics applied to volcanic hazards using a combination of field lithostratigraphic data, structural mapping, drone and other remote-sensing surveys, analogue and numerical modelling. His focus is on improving the knowledge on the processes that guide the development of surface deformations, mainly in the form of faulting and fissuring, in relation to magma uprising and the growth of volcanic edifices. Since 2015 he is Chairperson of Committee of National Representatives of International Lithosphere Program, cofounder of the Laboratory of Virtual Reality of the University of Milan Bicocca and founder and coordinator of the Laboratory of Structural Geology and Volcanotectonics of the University of Milan Bicocca.

Fabio Bonali
Researcher. His areas of interest are: structural geology in twctonically and volcanically active regions (Italy, the Greek Islands, Iceland South America;North America and Asia). His research methods include classical field data collection and mapping, drone surveys, 3D modeling of the surface and immersive virtual reality, numerical and physically-scaled modeling of faulting and shallow magmatic intrusions.

Luca Fallati
Researcher. His areas of interest are: marine geomorphology and habitat mapping in coastal and submarine environments; underwater photogrammetry; recostruction of underwater 3d models and implementation of immersive VR scenarios; innovative remote sensings technologies for a multiscale approach in changing environments; interaction between ecosystems and marine landsforms in sensitive oceanic environments; intergration of terrestrial and marine datasets in coastal regions.

Andrea Giulia Varzi
PhD candidate. Her areas of interest are: marine geomorphology and habitat mapping in coastal and submarine environments; acoustic (e.g. MBES) data collection and processing; UAVs and underwater photogrammetry; innovative remote sensing technologies for a multiscale approach in changing environments; climate change and sea level reconstruction through time; integration of terrestrial and marine datasets in coastal regions.