The University of Malta (UM), established in 1592, is the highest teaching institution of the State, by which it is mainly financed. The supreme governing bodies are the Council and the Senate. UM has been involved as coordinator and partner in numerous EU funded projects under various programmes including FP6 (37 projects) and FP7 (33 projects), Lifelong Learning Programme, Culture 2000, Tempus and various other international and regional programmes. UM is also represented in a number of European and international university networks and groups. Therefore, UM has a demonstrably strong national and international reputation for their research and postgraduate teaching. The participating entity is the Marine Geology and Seafloor Surveying research group, within the Department of Geosciences. This group undertakes multidisciplinary studies of seafloor and sub-seafloor environments using advanced mapping and observational techniques.

Aaron Micallef
Professor. He is expert in techniques to solve problems related to submarine landslides, canyons, fluid flow processes, submerged landscapes and seafloor mapping, His areas of study are: the Mediterranean sea ans the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Adam Gucci
Dr. Adam Gauci is a data scientist at the Oceanography Malta Research Group of the University of Malta. He has been involved in a number of projects including the setting up of the CALYPSO HF Radar System to monitor in real-time sea surface currents across the Malta Channel, as well as the installation of a number of meteo-marine observation stations around the Maltese islands. Adam obtained his Ph.D. with the Department of Intelligent Computer Systems at the University of Malta with a research on the applications of Machine Learning techniques on mega-dimensional datasets. When not chasing mermaids, he lectures at the Department of Geosciences within the Faculty of Science.