The University of Liège (ULiège) offers a diversified education in the French speaking part of Belgium. It has links with over thousands of institutions world-wide and is integrated in international academic and scientific networks. Over the past several years, ULiège has participated in many research and training projects supported by the European Commission. More than one hundred projects of the FP7 have been granted. ULiège is also a member of the European EURAXESS (European Research Area - Mobility of Researcher) and has established the Centre of Mobility of the University of Liege. The involved unit of the Geology department will model a virtual open project data and result dissemination room that can be accessed from any tele-position, by people (most activities will be designed for students) using mobile VR systems, to be able to exchange with project partners and other stakeholders, in an immersive-collaborative-interactive environment.

Hans-Balder Havenith
Chairman of the Georisk and Environment Group. He has 25 years of experience in prospecting and modeling earthquake and landslide hazards in various regions of the world like -central Asia, Central Africa, China, Armenia, Haiti, Romania, Switzerland and East Belgium. He makes lectures in geology and natural hazard assessment since 2003.