The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA) is the largest state institution of higher learning in Greece, and among the largest universities in Europe. UoA aims at excellence in both teaching and research in a significantly varied range of disciplines. UoA participates in BridgET with the Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment of the School of Natural Sciences, which has a declared and established ever growing interest and involvement in basic and applied research concerning contemporary environmental problems and geohazards. The team participating in BridgET has been involved in several EU, national and international research projects, and has delivered cutting-edge solutions for sensing, mapping and reconstructing the underwater and onshore environment addressing a vast variety of engineering, environmental, cultural heritage, security and robotics applications.

Nomikou Paraskevi
Associate Professor. She is expert in the morphology of underwater volcanoes with extensive experience in marine volcanic and seafloor extruding processes. She makes expeditions to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, mapping the sea floor of ocean core complexes and in the Azores Plateau, mapping the offshore volcanoes. She participated in oceanographic cruises focused on submarine volcanism, mud volcanoes, landslides and slope stability and seafloor mineral deposits.

Varvara Antoniou
Educational Research Staff. She has 25 years of continuous experience in Geographic Information Systems. She has an adjunct teaching among other courses in the use of these systems in Gological Mapping and Environmental Geology. She does scientific research projects and scientific publications and deals with activities in the field of virtual reality to integrate it into geosciences teaching.

Vlasopoulos Othonas
ROV Pilot, Underwater Photographer & Scuba Diving Instructor. For the last 10 years he has been working as a third–party contractor of the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. To date he has participated in a series of research programs such as Erasmus+ 3DTelc, Virtual Diver, Santory, and Ramones EU.